Greeting cards have all been sent
The Christmas rush is through
But I still have one wish to make
A special one for you…
Just a quick post to wish everyone in the ether a wonderful holiday season. It might come a little bit belated, but well meant all the same. Christmas for us is all about family, and with having several sides of family as well as friends to share the festive season with, it’s always a bit of a tinsel blur in the run-up to Christmas Day. We spent the actual day this year with the Man’s family and were spoilt with lots of food and presents. I’m so very grateful to share in his family’s fun and to have such love and good people in my life!

Now that the festive “gauntlet” is over, we’ve got a pretty chill few days into New Years. I’m looking forward to the few quiet days before we hit the NYE celebrations, though I think for us that will also be pretty quiet this year. Lots to reflect on as we approach the end of the year and lots to be grateful for.
Merry holiday to all 🙂